Online Statistics Tutor: Analyzing Nominal and Ordinal Data

While nominal (categorical) and ordinal (rank order) data can't be used in standard introductory analyses, like the T or F-tests, there still is a number of options when working with these kinds of data. In this post I will point out a few of these, specifically, Producing table of counts of cross-tabs. Chi-square test of association. Kruskall's Gamma: A correlation coefficient for ordinal data. I will provide code on how to perform each in R Let's first start with producing count tables in R. This is the most basic way to summarize nominal or ordinal data. In the code below, I've created a couple sets of nominal and ordinal values containing all available values and then sampled from them. The output from sampling from the set of 4 colors and 5 items in a likert scale are saved as "colset" and "ordset". The size argument in the sample function means that this output will be 100 elements long. To produce a table of counts for these da...