In God We Trust ... Not Partinsanship

The United States of America has always been about its people and relied upon a common spirit of gratitude to our forefathers and God for inspiration and guidance. In recent times, however, it seems people are more inclined to rely upon partisan thought and policy for how we should think and do. Before anyone can engage politically, they are asked to declare to which party they belong.

2020 has provided extraordinary challenges to all, which would be difficult in any time or circumstance. These issues are further exacerbated by the petty squabbling, and divisive speech and actions of elected officials. Current events seem to push every American citizen to choose a side. But this begs another question. Why are there sides?

Are we not all citizens of this country? Do we not all wish for a better tomorrow and a better world? Is it requisite that we are all the same, or agree on every issue to live in unity and peace? Why is the nation more divided than ever, when we need to be banding together to lift each other up?

Depending on who you listen to, it's either the Democrats fault, or the Republicans fault. It's the Republican's fault because they are racist wealthy elitists who turn away the poor and needy of this nation. Caring more for power and lobbyist concerns than the wellbeing of the nation. On the other hand, it's the Democrats fault because they are irresponsible spendthrifts offering only quixotic solutions who will mire the nation in debilitating debt that will weigh us down for generations to come. And so it goes, on and on. In the end, all I hear is hollow power mongering and shallow attempts to dissuade people from the opposing party.

This inane political banter is something to which most American citizens have become inured. The endless ranting from either party has been going on for generations. Perhaps, it's because of this problem's longevity that is why people are slow to question it. This, one of the political systems greatest flaws was humorously highlighted on a Simpson's Halloween special, where the republican and democratic presidential candidates were replaced by hostile aliens bent on conquering the nation. How did they avoid being conquered? Well, they didn't because...

Cartoonish and silly, yet, uncomfortably true. Americans when confronted with two horrific options think they have to choose one of them. That is the only way I know how to explain the current presidency. Because of this system, the United States of America can be "conquered" and exploited by those who do not have this nation's best interests in mind. All the Republicans or Democrats have to do is convince the people that they are slightly better than the opposition. That is, they don't even have to be a good option. Just a better one.

A divided nation serves the current system as it ensures the best odds that either Republicans or Democrats maintain power and a hold on this country. Who has more power depends on the opinion of the day, but wait long of enough and the pendulum will swing back and forth. All either party needs to do is play the blame game and wait until public opinion swings. Ironically, Republicans and Democrats need each other to perpetuate this process, or they both may (and should) lose power and political sway.

In our day to day lives this has caused the People to see the world around them with an excessively limited perspective. Leading us to lament that the nation would be a better place "if only the Republicans would...", or "if only the Democrats didn't...". Blaming an opposing party or point of view, when in reality we should be stronger and better because of the diversity of this nation.

Diversity can only make us better if more than two points of view are considered to be legitimate. What does it matter if people of various backgrounds, thoughts, dispositions, and cultures are present in this nation if only two points of a view are allowed to be considered? How do we the People consider more innovative and universally beneficial solutions to our nation's struggles when we hear only legislation that Republicans or Democrats have presented for their own purposes. Focusing on partisan priorities, rather than national goals. 

It is not my intention of accusing everyone affiliated with either party of gross corruption and/or disinterest in the wellbeing of the nation. I believe there are many sincere people attempting to do their best under the current system. But I am increasingly afraid that the best that the current system has to offer is not sufficient. At least, not until the People can cease to label themselves as "us" and others as "them".

There is only "us" and there has never been a "them". We are all in this world together, and all trying to be the best we can. Invent whatever categories, labels, or affiliations we may, it is and always will be just "us". We don't need to agree on all matters and can have opposing points of view. That is fine. All that is required is mutual respect and the liberty to choose. With that, the beautiful diversity of this nation can make us greater than the sum of the whole.

Am I a Democrat or Republican? That question seems beside the point.


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